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Band of Hand’s Disruptive Business Model - A can't miss podcast for any business owner

Halo Talks Podcast with Band of Hands

Eve Nasby is the President of Band of Hands, a company with a disruptive business model, helps small business owners manage their staff without having to worry about the administrative and legal burdens of being an employer. She has over 30 years of experience in the staffing industry and is passionate about helping businesses succeed. She joined Halo Talks for a can't miss podcast episode!

98% of businesses in America are small businesses-those with less than 50 employees. And (putting it mildly), staying on top of the latest rules and regulations (like California's AB5, Gig Worker Law as a recent example), is extremely onerous and time consuming. Eve experienced this herself when she owned a small business and struggled to manage her staff and keep up with all of the paperwork.

In an industry that's so old and staid, BOH is poised to blast off! She states, "You've got to surround yourself with people that aren't 'Yes people,' that are going to challenge you, challenge the way you think, and challenge the way 'things have always been done in the past' . . . that's what I'd encourage all your listeners to do. Go to somebody that you wouldn't normally ask for advice, somebody that has no idea about your industry, go and ask them a question!"

With white glove service and a team of highly experienced, SHRM-certified, HR professionals BOH provides employees on the platform with benefits, financial stability, and one 1099 (not 15 different ones at the end of the year) . . . never mind the tremendous number of benefits to employers once all the headaches are off their plate.

This is an absolute game-changer, especially for the HALO sector.

In this episode, Eve and Pete discuss: 1. How Band of Hands helps small business owners mitigate HR and other risks so owners can focus on their passion. 2. What advantages Band of Hands offers over traditional staffing agencies and payroll companies. 3. How Band of Hands created a seamless and flexible platform for employees to move between different employers.

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Contact Eve at 619-244-3000 to learn more and get started!


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